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Fixed rings give the mouthpiece stability, and the rein aids will be more direct and precise. If your horse is hesitant into the contact, fixed rings are to prefer. Loose rings will allow for more movement of the bit in the horse's mouth. Which also will discourage leaning. Loose rings will allow the rider for quick aids with finesse. Fixed rings or loose rings together with bit guards are to recommend if the horse has ”fleshy" lips/mouth corners. Fager Wings have a unique feature called TOL™, Turn Over Lock system prevents the ring to overbend and hit the molars while working your horse. This fantastic feature protects the teeth and makes anxious and tense horses more relaxed.


Titanium is an amazing material that will give your horse comfort in so many ways. Fager's surgical titanium is warm to the touch and will give your horse higher comfort than normal steel bits, especially it is cold outside.

Titanium has superior strength that will hold for more than a lifetime. It is also non-toxic and hypoallergenic, which means that you can't get any allergic reaction from it. Titanium is tasteless unlike other materials on the market and our surgical titanium has also been shown to improve acceptance towards the bit when no other bits have succeeded.


Sweet Iron is made from black iron and copper, creating a metal that promotes acceptance and taste in the horse's mouth. Sweet iron will slowly oxidize and rusts. The oxidation has a sweet taste that horses like and which encourages salivation. This metal will almost always discolor. The cheeks and all the joints of the bits are made from stainless steel and will not rust. This is a metal that is highly appreciated by so many horses. Sweet iron should be wiped dry after every use.


Single jointed bits are less flexible than a double-jointed and thereby more stable. Single jointed bits put more pressure on the sides of the tongue, and bars, when reins are taken. Giving the tongue some freedom.


Double-jointed bits will follow the shape of the tongue better than a single jointed. They eliminate palate interference and breaks to the outside of the tongue. At Fager, you will only find short centerpieces where the joints are not laying on top of the sensitive bars.


Made for the Icelandic sport horse.

Short or long shanks? Sabina has the shortest shanks on the market. It's the perfect bit to use in daily training as well. With these shorter shanks, you still have the movability as a snaffle, but it will give you that extra suppleness. With short shank, you will get an extra quick response. Longer shanks, as Sally Icelandic and Victor have more poll pressure when the reins being stretched, a more stable feeling when the connection is received than the shorter shanks.

Fitjamyri Icelandic Horses

442 Six Mile Creek Rd

Vernon, BC, V1H 2H1, Canada


+1 (250) 309-0504

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